Retiring the day pass

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The day pass was introduced as a try before you buy risk-less investment for new customers.
It was also a flexible payment option for people that only wanted to play on a few days.
However, since we are coming up on 10th month of undetected service, the use of the day pass has served its purpose and will now be retired off the purchase page.
We gladly recommend that our monthly day pass subscribers join for a full month for an improved experience.

  1. Yeh k sounds good. Also, it's good to use now? After the big update?
  2. admin Staff September 16, 2015
    Yes, I've updated the cheat and generated new builds for all unique subscribers.
  3. Nooo, it very good if you have some small money and just wanna play with cheats for not that long. :(
  4. I have only good things to say aboout this cheat, as I picked it first time on january - may and bought few days passes and few months passes even to late summer.Never have been banned, never been overwatched.
    I still miss the days pass, as sometimes I just want a little pickup and have some fun on MM-games, not feeling like using cheats for straight out month.
    Meaby compromise put 2 week purchase option?

    Add the health value color indicator to wh and I am defidently coming back to this product.
    Your loyal customer
    - E

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