Can’t shoot while triggerkey is held down?

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I noticed that when I want to shoot with LMB(default fire button) and the triggerkey is held down, it won’t shoot at all. Can this be fixed or something? I used to use the trigger like pressing the button, killing the enemy and then holding the fire button down for a sec. It’s pretty hard to make the triggerbot legit-looking when it sometimes one-tap headshots ppl and I can’t shoot instantly afterwards.
Anyway, the hack is really nice and good to know it’s coded in pure ASM(is it really?).

2 answers

Staff March 21, 2015

The left mouse button should not be used since it conflicts with the attack command.
The cheat payload is written in Assembly.

  1. okay, thanks for the fast answer. I'm about to purchase a month but firstly I would like to know if the developer is the same guy who runs under the name "SEGnosis" on unknowncheats and MPGH? I just checked my PayPal and noticed that the payment was to SEGnosis.
  2. admin Staff March 23, 2015
    Thats a different SEGnosis
  3. And you have the review on the main page from him, right? He had the same name and avatar in-game as far as I know. It doesn't really matter, I'm just curious because I saw him on some forums like 4-5 years before.
  4. admin Staff March 23, 2015
    Was being sarcastic

    That avatar is my old twitter avatar since the original reviewer didn't have an avatar.
  5. Ah, I got you. Anyway, what are the chances of getting VAC banned while using the unique build? I'm pretty tired of buying new accounts every time my provider gets detected so I'm searching for a cheat that I can cheat on my main with.
  6. admin Staff March 23, 2015
    Chances are the lowest possible

I agree with this majorly. @Admin you should add a feature which makes the Triggerbot not stop shooting until you let go of the button after the crosshair hits the player. It’d be easy to then turn it in to a spray. 

  1. I thought the same thing too, and how it looks kinda weird shooting with the AK or auto guns. So what I do is I just use the awp and shotty so it doesnt look as bad. Also if you have a mouse with a lot of buttions binding the glow to a mouse key + awp = GG

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