Hi, thinking about purchasing this, and I was just curious if anyone was affected by this weeks ban wave?
Also, Is there more chance of getting VAC’ed by buying the Standard Build, than the Unique build?
Thanks Staff.
As far as the VAC ban wave goes. These hacks aren’t detected. I played with the hacks all while ban wave and I didnt even know about a ban wave until people told me about it. These hacks are very safe.
I’ve been going for about 30 days on unique. As Soulsneak said, its EXTREMELY hard to get VAC’d. If you want to be a sped and hardcore wall, you’ll be overwatched -> VAC. Other wise OW wont get you.
Faded Coder is a Premium cheat provider brought to you by a 10 year veteran in game hacking. Our cheat was written from the ground up to never be detected and it will always be our main concern.