anyone have tips from using this hack on hiding from overwatch bans and when or not it is the right time to use toggles? and do u use toggles to shoot it for u automatically?
Just don't shoot through smoke(WITH SNIPERS OR ANY OTHER SINGLE SHOTS PURPOSEFULLY AT ENEMIES.)If you're going to spray and pray through smoke, do it like you mean it. Do NOT attempt headshots and anything through smoke.DO NOT shoot people through doors, like corner creepers. Another reason people get overwatched is that they do things like shooting through doors and smokes(BEFORE SEEING ENEMY AT CONTACT.) I tested this using a smurf account and started to realize that if you do wreckless things like shooting through smoke, doors and flashes that will heighten your chances of overwatch ban.Just remember Overwatch is a group of veterans and people inside valve. If you see that in your match there is "1 viewer watching your match" - I recommend CAREFULLY PICKING YOUR SHOTS. Though, overwatch will only pay attention to competitive matches, I recommend playing safe because it's NOT too hard for veterans and valve to know who's hacking.Goodluck, have fun!
Just play like you don’t have hacks. If you’re about to rush onto a site and you know where a guy is, check other corners first. If someone is about to run around to corner, have your crosshairs a bit wider if you’re going to use the trigger bot. Try to get deaths if you are scoring very high, don’t have the score of 30+ kills and less than 5 deaths.
Sometimes it’s also good to take one for the team. If you know where an enemy is you can just die purposely so your team can secure the kill. Makes it look good on you and it’ll give you a reason to check the spot next time.
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